Tag Archives: PARK(ing) DAY


PARK(ing) DAY is an international event that took place in 35 countries and 165 cities on one day – 20th September 2013.

Our course brought all the years together and split us up into 6 rooms two weeks before the 20th, gave us the brief and each group ended up creating something amazing for that one day!
Our group chose to focus on the idea of air pollution in Dundee, as it is surprisingly bad due to the majority of the city centre being built before the popularity of cars, busses etc. This made the streets narrow and the buildings tall, which means the exhaust fumes get trapped.

The aim of our group’s design was to encourage cycling, by getting people who possibly haven’t cycled in a long time to get on a bike and have a bit of fun while showing clean air as a physical thing.


As the user would cycle the bike, it would work the piston at the back which would then blow up a balloon. The user would then write down a suggestion or comment about air pollution in dundee and their balloon would get attached to the ever growing canopy of balloons above them!


Click the link below to watch out team’s video from the day!

DJCAD Dundee – PARK(ing) Day 2013 – ‘RE(cycle)’ from Interiors DJCAD on Vimeo.